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Manage Sales Channels

In this document, you’ll learn how to view and manage sales channels in your Medusa Admin.

View Sales Channels

To view sales channels:

  1. Click on Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Choose Sales Channels from the list of settings.

This opens the Sales Channels page where you can see the list of Sales channels on the left and the products in the selected sales channel on the right.

Search Sales Channels

To search sales channels:

  1. Go to Settings → Sales Channels
  2. In the Sales Channels section on the left, click on the magnifier icon next to the title of the section.
  3. This shows an input to search sales channels by title and description.

To clear the search, click on the X icon in the search input.

Create a Sales Channel

To add a new sales channel:

  1. Go to Settings → Sales Channels
  2. In the Sales Channels section on the left, click on the plus icon next to the title of the section.
  3. The form to create a new sales channel will open. The name of the sales channel is required, but the description is optional.
  4. Once you’re done, you can either:
    • Click Save as draft to save the sales channel as disabled.
    • Click Publish channel to save the sales channel as enabled.

Change the Status of a Sales Channel

A sales channel can be enabled or disabled. If a sales channel is disabled, that means it’s saved as a draft. If it’s enabled, that means it’s published.

To enable or disable a sales channel:

  1. Go to Settings → Sales Channels
  2. In the sales channels list on the left, choose the sales channel you want to enable/disable.
  3. At the top right of the right section, you can find the status of the sales channel, with a green icon if it’s enabled or a grey icon if it’s disabled.
  4. Click on the status, and a dropdown will show to toggle the status. For example, if the status of the sales channel is Enabled, the dropdown will show a Disabled status.
  5. Choose the status in the dropdown, and the status of the sales channel will change.

Edit Sales Channel’s Information

To edit a sales channel’s information:

  1. Go to Settings → Sales Channels
  2. In the sales channels list on the left, choose the sales channel you want to edit.
  3. At the top right of the right section, click on the three dots icon.
  4. Choose from the dropdown list “Edit general info”.
  5. This opens a form in a window where you can edit the name and description of the sales channel.
  6. Once done, click Save.

Delete a Sales Channel


If you delete a sales channel, you won’t be able to restore it. Orders and Products associated with the sales channel will not be affected.

To delete a sales channel:

  1. Go to Settings → Sales Channels
  2. In the sales channels list on the left, choose the sales channel you want to delete.
  3. At the top right of the right section, click on the three dots icon.
  4. Choose from the dropdown list “Delete channel”.
  5. Confirm deleting the sales channel by entering the name of the sales channel and clicking the “Yes, delete” button in the pop-up.
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